Prospectus Prospectus ecopy

Useful documents such as our Local Offer, our Ofsted inspection report, Government documentation and relevant policies and our Monthly newsletter.

Inspection Report 21.11.22

Use the link below for a parent friendly version of the EYFS curriculum.

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Below is a letter explaining the recent changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework:

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and the recent changes

Below you can find our Local offer.  If you have any queries you can contact our nursery SENCo, Lynette Fraser at or 01253 836807

Local Offer 22-23

Here is the current Funding Agreement produced by Lancashire County Council

PVI Parental Agreement 2022-2023

Safeguarding your children is an issue we take very seriously at Honeypots.  However, protecting all children is the responsibility of everyone.  If you have concerns that a child is being harmed or neglected here is a link to some valuable advice…

Children don’t arrive with a handbook and often navigating certain issues can be tricky.  Below is a link to the LCSB Safer Parenting Handbook which has information and tips on a range of issues that may affect your children.

The internet is amazing. Children can play, learn, create and connect – opening up a whole world of exciting possibilities. But with the digital world changing all the time, how can you make sure your child is staying safe?  Here is a link to the NSPCC for more information

Applying for your child’s school place?  Follow this link…

30 hours free childcare is coming into effect for 3 and 4 year old’s from September 2017.  To find out if you are eligible please use the following link:

Our Newsletters

newsletter Summer 1 23

newsletter Autumn 1 22